How to change the widget Language & Labels?
Navigate to Bird App Settings Text & Languages Click on the edit button of the language you want to edit. This is useful for: Change the calendar label and time field label . Change the label store pickupSome readersSetup checkout page as our demo
Follow the 3 steps below in order to configure the checkout page as shown in our demo store Password for demo store is birdchime Disable Shopify's built in store pickup Enable Delivery customisation (/en-us/article/delivery-customizatioFew readersHow to customize the widget look?
and STEP 1: Navigate to Bird App Settings Widget Design to change the background color, and click on the color palette as shown below. STEP 2: Select the day from which you want to start a week, Monday or Sunday, as shown below. STEP 3: Set the default delivery method as shown below. (httpsFew readersHow to enable or disable the app in themes
Navigate to Settings Widget Placement . Click on Select a theme to install widget from the drop down menu. Further, click on Add widget in theme to enable it. Select the third option i.e app embed section and from herFew readersChange cart type
App is best suited to be used in the cart page. It offers wide varieties of features and stability. To configure the app to be use on cart page, configure the following in your theme. Goto your Shopify admin and click the green Customize button next to your theme. Customize theme Set the cart type as page and hit save. Change cart type ( readersHow to show link below the widget?
Go to Design settings. To display the link add following html code in widget footer field for respective delivery methods. Replace the link with your link ex. whats app support chat link, email chat link etc. and also you can replace the text “Contact Us” as per your requirement. ( readersHow to Hide Express Checkout Options from Cart
The Express checkout options in the cart can bypass the Bird App Date & Time selection. This leads to orders without the date and time data. Follow the steps below to hide the express checkout options in the cart and your customers can use it in the checkout. Open the cart page and navigate to the express checkout buttons. ( readersAdd delivery date/time in customer dashboard
In order to show delivery date and time in customer dashboard you will need to edit 2 files described below. Customers/account.liquid Add an additional column in the table header (thead tag) at the end along with other columns Add the following the in table body (tbody tag) at then end along with other columnsFew readersRestrict widget’s width
If the widget occupies a lot of space on your cart page, you can restrict its width by adding the following code in Advance Styling in the Widget Design. Navigate to Bird App Settings Widget Design Advance Styling Related Document: How to customize the widget look ( readersManual Widget Placement
This document will help you change the placement of the widget in your theme if it is not automatically placed properly. We are using the Google Chrome browser in this document. Go to your shopping cart Choose the element around which you want to place the widget. On the chosen element, right-click and then click inspect element. Inspect element ( readers